C-Therm TCi Client Spotlight: Seaforth Geosurveys
Seaforth Geosurveys Inc. acquired C-Therm’s TCi instrument in 2014 and continues to measure the thermal conductivity of core samples retrieved from the seabed, onboard research vessels.
View ArticleAnisotropic Thermal Conductivity Testing of Compressed Laminated Wood
Compressed laminated wood is a specialized wood composite material used in industries where an inexpensive, strong, relatively lightweight, thermally and electrically insulating material is desirable....
View ArticleWhy are the units for thermal conductivity W/m-K?
Ever wonder why the units for thermal conductivity are what they are? This short derivation will be sure to help.
View ArticleAssessing the “Warm Feel” of Candidate Upholstery Materials for Ejection Seats
When getting ejected from an aircraft in an emergency situation, how the fabric feels to the pilot is definitely not their top concern. However, when these pilots are in the driver's seat for 10+...
View ArticleCharacterizing the “Cool Touch” of Jeans via ASTM D7984
As material innovation with a focus on comfort becomes more prominent with global apparel brands, product developers continue to evaluate new technologies and methods to create a comfortable product...
View ArticleMeasuring the Thermal Conductivity and Effusivity of Cosmetic Emulsions
Cosmetic products have been used for thousands of years with the goal of enhancing or altering physical appearance. Although the goal has remained the same, modern cosmetics have become a highly...
View ArticleWhy is the thermal conductivity so low? The effect of interstitial air on the...
Researchers new to thermal conductivity measurements are often confused as to why their metal powders exhibit such a low thermal conductivity. Typically, a researcher will test a powder of a high...
View ArticleWhat is the difference between clo, tog, thermal resistance, and thermal...
Textiles and textile product manufacturers have for decades looked to physical tests to quantify thermal performance of their products. Many units are used in these applications – often depending on...
View ArticleThermal Conductivity of AlSi10Mg Powders for Additive Manufacturing
C-Therm worked closely with researchers from Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) to characterize the thermal conductivity of various aluminum powders for use in AM processes. The goal of the study...
View ArticleThermal Conductivity Testing Insulation - Traditional Steady State &...
Thermal insulation materials function as a barrier to minimize heat loss, and have applications across a wide range of fields, including construction, aerospace, packaging and more. As such, a critical...
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